Why Own Your Moment
On April 7, 2006, I was kidnapped from my law office by a former client who I did not know was six days out of prison. I was held at knifepoint on an abandoned farm fighting off being raped and murdered. Through a series of divine interventions and the selfless acts of strangers, I survived.
I now recognize my intuition repeatedly warned me that I was in danger. At the time I suppressed it: I did not recognize the red flags warning me that something was very wrong and I needed to take action.
As a result, I have launched a purpose-driven movement, “Own Your Moment,” to empower others by addressing: personal safety; identifying threats; and how to thrive in a system designed to protect the rights of criminals.
This site has been created to help you learn how to avoid a threatening situation if possible or step into one with more confidence and awareness when one cannot be avoided. There are no guarantees for our safety; however, the resources on this site may help you become a “hard target” with the ability to quickly identify a threat/predator. You may develop a self-protection, not a self-defense mindset. You may increase your situational awareness and create specific boundaries in advance of a threating situation by learning to “draw the line.” You may learn tactics in prevention, de-escalation, and survival of a threating situation as well as ways to care for victims both in and out of the courtroom.
Check out the following topics on the site:
-Quickly identifying a threat
-Mindset, Awareness, and Tactics
-Empowering you as a victim in the Criminal Justice System
Please share your stories or comments. Join in the movement to live a life free from fear. Have confidence that you are better prepared to survive if violence collides with your world. Click Contact Sharon below to share with us your email address and receive periodic updates on the Own Your Moment movement.

Sharon's Story
One of the primary purposes of this site is to share what happened to me in a way that will allow others to learn from it. In the 62 seconds that it took him to get me under his control and in a vulnerable and dangerous situation I made a series of choices that made his goal to kill me easier. With 20/20 hindsight I now clearly see many opportunities that I did not know about where I could have presented myself as a hard target. I did not do so because I did not know how. Once you spend some time on this site this hope is that you will be a hard target and better prepared if someone tries to bring violence to you. If you have been victimized my daily prayer is that you will feel stronger, safer, and more confident as a result of the time you spend here.